Vidya Public School

Pre - Primary

The Pre-Primary Curriculum provides kids with different areas of learning-Real life,sensory, mathematics languages and culture. Kids progress through the curriculum at their own pace based on developmental stages and interest using a series of learning materials. Our well trained teachers lead key lessons, then children practice and explore learning materials on their own and connect to outcomes. It encourages kid’s independence, ability to learn and retain new skills and information.

A joint venture of Vidya Public School Is Achapal Playway

Curriculum Areas

Through sensorial materials kids learn about-

Thus, they refine their senses of- sight, touch, sound, smell & taste.
They learn mathematical concepts, to count, identify and match numerals to their quantity, relate with symbols and aware of addition, subtraction etc.
The language curriculum enhances the kids with the skills required for reading, writing and oral. They learn Phonics, letter identification, combine sounds and build simple sentences.
This curriculum includes science, history,music, dance, art, culture, social responsibilities and responds to diversity with respect.