Vice Principal
My greetings and wishes to all of you . First and foremost I would like to express my gratitude to everyone of you for your support and concern towards our school . A complete education gives us a platform to succeed as well as knowledge of social conduct , strength , character and self respect . More above the knowledge of unconditional love and set of values . My believe is that every student has the potential to succeed . My vision is to focus on all students achieving educational excellence through a rich curriculum and respectful atmosphere. By building on a strong sense of community, inspiring teachers and a commitment to character , we would prepare our student to become such a personality, so that we can feel proud of them . We strive to create a safe, supportive and inclusive environment to practice RICRAC behavior ; Responsibility, Integrity, Caring, Respectful, Academics, and Co operative . Our students are offered many opportunities to explore their interests and investigate new ideas . We offer a large variety of activities related to literature, art n craft, sports, marshal art, music- dance, science projects etc., that allow our students the opportunity to grow at their own pace in a safe nurturing environment . The two way communication between home and school is always of vital importance to us for our kids .
We are always be there to listen you .
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Shalini Yadav Vice Principal Vidya Public School